Day by day

The best way to describe tattooing in France and abroad is alive and kicking! With a mixture of pleasant surprises, highs and lows, tattooed celebrities and technological breakthroughs, the world of tattoos makes its voice heard. For tattoo news, my daily experiences as a tattoo artist in Paris, the rest of France and around the world, and information on tattoo conventions, this blog is your guide.


Tattoo news in France

Here I discuss tattoo news in France, as well as tattoo news in America and across the world. Every week another celebrity falls under the tattoo spell, helping to spread the word about our art. This deserves to be mentioned in my blog.


My work as a tattoo artist in Paris, the village of Chaudes-Aigues and the town of Avignon

Through this blog I also present my daily life as a tattoo artist in Avignon, in Paris and in Chaudes-Aigues. Stories from my Graphicaderme tattoo shops in the French regions of Vaucluse and Cantal, and from the Parisian workshop La Bête Humaine (The Human Beast), will give you a glimpse into the life of a tattoo artist in France. The moments of pure pleasure, encounters with amazing people and the low-points are all covered here. 


Tattoo conventions in France and abroad

Other than tattoo news and my work as a true-blue tattoo artist, I also go to tattoo conventions and seminars, travelling across magical Scandinavian countryside and taking in stunning American landscapes. Let it be said that the life of a tattoo artist is not always easy…

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Day by day | Stéphane Chaudesaigues

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